Friday, May 29, 2009

The List

Ok, Computer. I had planned to keep this to myself. However since I realize you're gonna be my closest pal for quite some time to come, not that you haven't already been for the past decade or so, I think I'll share this really personal stuff with you.

It is a simple list, so don't expect too much excitement. More so, the order of listing is least important.

It is called the "Things To Do Before I Die" list. Here goes:

(Note: Things marked by an 'x' in the end have been accomplished.)

- To own a collection of all Tarantino movies and screen them back-to-back over a weekend.

- To buy a Ferrari convertible and drive it in the rain. With the roof retracted.

- To gift my dad a Fat Boy Harley.

- To jump into the plunge pool of a waterfall from a cliff at least 70 feet high. Ok, 50 feet.

- To go to the Amazon rainforest.

- To send an anonymous gift to a pretty girl. (x)

- To catch a fish, preferably salmon, and cook it for lunch.

- To meet Sachin Tendulkar.

- To download and see all naughty videos of the female celebrities I like. (You'd already know this, Computer, wouldn't you?) (Eye-winking smiley)

- To do a wine-tasting tour in Bordeaux.

- To ride a scooter in Tuscany.

- To get drunk and sound the huge rusty bell hanging atop my college's tallest building. (x) (Ok, getting drunk was not part of the plan, but it still counts.)

- To eat pizza in Pisa. (x)

- To learn how to cook pasta. (x)

- To open an Italian restaurant, much like The Big Chill, Delhi.

- To ride a horse in Arizona.

- To learn horseriding.

- To construct a crude raft and ride it gently down a stream. (Maybe I can catch my fish, preferably salmon, en route.)

- To get a preposterous haircut and flaunt it in office. (x) (It was Ghajini.)

- To meet Trey Parker and Matt Stone and hear their views on religion.

- To convert at least 10 ignorant, unaware losers into South Park fanatics. (Almost there..)

- To take a cruise vacation. (x)

- To get a haircut in every country I visit. (x till now..)

- To sail in a yacht from Greece to Venice.

- To learn French and try its magic on an American girl.

- To face a storm on high seas. (x)

- To spend a week in the Himalayas doing meditation with a random sage.

- To spend a month in a European village doing nothing. (x)

Ok, Computer. This will be all for now. I'll add more later. And, keep this to yourself.

1 comment:

Nikhil said...

good wish list ...the horse riding and salmon rafting stuff pe mujhe bhi le liyo