Friday, May 29, 2009

The List

Ok, Computer. I had planned to keep this to myself. However since I realize you're gonna be my closest pal for quite some time to come, not that you haven't already been for the past decade or so, I think I'll share this really personal stuff with you.

It is a simple list, so don't expect too much excitement. More so, the order of listing is least important.

It is called the "Things To Do Before I Die" list. Here goes:

(Note: Things marked by an 'x' in the end have been accomplished.)

- To own a collection of all Tarantino movies and screen them back-to-back over a weekend.

- To buy a Ferrari convertible and drive it in the rain. With the roof retracted.

- To gift my dad a Fat Boy Harley.

- To jump into the plunge pool of a waterfall from a cliff at least 70 feet high. Ok, 50 feet.

- To go to the Amazon rainforest.

- To send an anonymous gift to a pretty girl. (x)

- To catch a fish, preferably salmon, and cook it for lunch.

- To meet Sachin Tendulkar.

- To download and see all naughty videos of the female celebrities I like. (You'd already know this, Computer, wouldn't you?) (Eye-winking smiley)

- To do a wine-tasting tour in Bordeaux.

- To ride a scooter in Tuscany.

- To get drunk and sound the huge rusty bell hanging atop my college's tallest building. (x) (Ok, getting drunk was not part of the plan, but it still counts.)

- To eat pizza in Pisa. (x)

- To learn how to cook pasta. (x)

- To open an Italian restaurant, much like The Big Chill, Delhi.

- To ride a horse in Arizona.

- To learn horseriding.

- To construct a crude raft and ride it gently down a stream. (Maybe I can catch my fish, preferably salmon, en route.)

- To get a preposterous haircut and flaunt it in office. (x) (It was Ghajini.)

- To meet Trey Parker and Matt Stone and hear their views on religion.

- To convert at least 10 ignorant, unaware losers into South Park fanatics. (Almost there..)

- To take a cruise vacation. (x)

- To get a haircut in every country I visit. (x till now..)

- To sail in a yacht from Greece to Venice.

- To learn French and try its magic on an American girl.

- To face a storm on high seas. (x)

- To spend a week in the Himalayas doing meditation with a random sage.

- To spend a month in a European village doing nothing. (x)

Ok, Computer. This will be all for now. I'll add more later. And, keep this to yourself.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My LOST Theory: Post Season 5

Once upon a time, long ago, two people found (or maybe created) an island with special (electromagnetic) properties. One of them was Jacob, a good person who dressed in white to symbolize goodness. The other person's name has not been revealed yet. Let's call him Blackie, based on the way he dresses, symbolizing evil. Jacob and Blackie have supernatural abilities - probably they come from a different planet than Earth. Clearly their views don't concur and Blackie has a constant urge to kill Jacob. However he can't - there's some limitation on his part, or maybe there are 'rules' as they usually say. Blackie needs a 'loophole' in the rules to kill Jacob. Perhaps get him killed by a human?

Now Jacob wants to pass on the custody of the island to humans. Blackie does not like this idea. (He tells Jacob that they come, they fight, they corrupt.) Jacob has faith that if a good leader is identified and correctly advised, it should not be a problem. So he somehow directs a ship called Black Rock to the island, say somewhere in 1800s (going by the type of sail-ship they showed in Season 5 finale). The crew of Black Rock goes on to discover the island's wonders, starts living there and we now know them as the Others/Hostiles. Jacob creates an advisor named Richard who is probably an android, so he doesen't age.

Things go on smoothly till a team of scientists stumbles upon the island. They want to experiment and so they set up camps and begin the Dharma Initiative, somewhere in 1950s. The aboriginals (Others) find it an act of encroachment. The two groups fight and eventually settle for a peace deal demarcating their territories on the island.

In 1978 (let me call it the Old 1978, since 1978 happened again later with a different set of happenings), the Incident happens when the Dharma folks drill into a massive pocket of energy. All metal objects start flying into the drill-hole. The scientists somehow contain the facility and build a hatch over it where a button needs to be pressed every 108 minutes to keep the energy from building up and releasing.

Then the 'purge' takes place when the Others attack the Dharma people and kill them all using nerve gas, with the help of Benjamin Linus. All this while, the system of a leader advised by Richard is continuing in the Others' camp and Ben is identified as the leader after Charles Widmore who is then banished from the island. Meanwhile Desmond Hume lands on the island during his yacht world tour and is left in the hatch pushing the button by the then-in-charge of the button.

Then in 2005, Oceanic Flight 815 crashes on the island when Desmond fails to push the button. The survivors (Losties) remain there for a few months after which six go back to normal world and cook up a story that everyone else died in the crash.

In the next 3 years the Oceanic 6 lead an uneasy life and finally decide to try and get back to the island by boarding the Ajira flight in 2008. I guess that Blackie could have a hand in convincing the Oceanic 6 to go back - this could be the loophole to kill Jacob and run the island on his own terms. On board the Ajira flight is another group, led by Illana. Oceanic 6 and Illana's group probably do not know about each other though.

Meanwhile during the 2005-2008 period on the island:
Locke and Sawyer part ways. Ben moves the island but the island keeps going back and forth in time till it finally settles down in New 1975 after Locke tries to put the dislodged wheel in position. Locke gets transported to 2008 to try and convince the Oceanic 6 to return. Sawyer & co. land up in the Dharma initiative and spend a peaceful 3 years till New 1978. Rose and Bernard also end up in New 1975 but unlike Sawyer & co. who joined Dharma, they lead a retired life. Jin who survived the freighter blast in 2005 also hops in time with the island and ends up in New 1975, separated from Sawyer and Rose. So essentially, no one was on the island during 2005-2008.

In 2008 the Ajira flight crashes on the island. Illana's group, Ben, Sun, Pilot and Locke's dead body land on the island in 2008, while Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sayid land on the island in New 1978. Blackie takes the form of Locke and gets Jacob killed through Ben. The aberration of Alex that Ben sees in the temple is also created by Blackie to convince Ben to follow Locke (i.e. Blackie in the form of Locke) without questioning. (Perhaps the clause is that only a former or current leader can kill Jacob.) Jacob dies in 2008.

In New 1978 the Losties work together to prevent the incident from happening by exploding the hydrogen bomb, just when the incident was gathering momentum. In my view Miles' statement that perhaps the hydrogen bomb IS itself the incident, is wrong, because metal objects started flying into the drill-hole before the bomb exploded, just like it used to happen when the button was not pressed in the hatch, and secondly Miles' father would have died in the explosion, making him incapable of recording the Dharma instruction tapes. So I guess things could be changed and they were changed. The island is annihilated and Oceanic Flight 815 will land in LA in New 2005.