Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Do we like the same books?

I just noticed something about social networking sites recently.

I've been receiving all these "Shelfari" invitation emails from my acquaintances. The first ones to send the invis were all girls. Now this is new, since it's generally guys who go on to invite and add girls to their lists. Next in line were the people who.. well.. live on the edge. They've been hanging around with girls for so long that they've developed a noticeable femininity of character. Yes you got it.. the Karan Johar types. And finally came the real men. Now I've been trying to guess what kept them from going on their usual invi-spree for this yet another social network.

So finally I came to the conclusion that girls are more eager to build friendship networks, but they do need a solid premise to do that. Discussion on books is one of such premises, and how they've pounced on it! I'm sure if Orkut gave you such a reason, apart from the cliched "Here for: 1) Friends 2)Activity partners 3) Dating men/women/children/blah blah.. ", it'd be a much bigger hit in terms of girls taking the initiative.

Am I right, or am I right?


Dschauffer said...

Thats an interesting theory. I do agree girls wanting a premise kind of as a security barrier before building friendship networks.

Nikhil said...

u just hit the bulls eye dude : gr8 thought: sadly i was first invited by a retro male "oops" and then the ladies followed: meanwhile i think the gals want to appear more sophisticated and knowledgable n classy n all such shit before starting a relationship so that they r treated as the next best thing and shefali gives them that oppurtunity (the name "shefali" is indication enough)

Nikhil said...

o sorry the name is shelfali not shefali as i had thought : n ya even my blogs are spammed now god save young "abla" man(naris are no longer abla) now:

JITIN said...

well i can't answer that question for sure.. but i think you are indeed "right"!
But hey i have not heard that name "shelfali" as yet! sheer ignorance on my part i think, but then i come under the category of "real men" :-)
Girls sending the invis!!!
now that's cool ;-)

Dave Hanley said...

Thanks for mentioning Shelfari and incorporating it into your interesting theory :)

At any rate, we just launched a new blog widget at

Try it out and let me know what you think.
