Monday, December 12, 2011


1. Powerful is not always righteous. In fact, powerful is seldom righteous.

2. Popular media tends to align with the more powerful and becomes the mouthpiece of the powerful. The media that doesn’t, perishes. It is the pure, simple, natural order of things.

Combine 1 and 2, what do you get? What if everything that has been portrayed to us as righteous and just is actually malicious but powerful (and hence the authors’ favorite)? What if what they hail is powerful evil and what they condemn is powerless good?

Friday, June 24, 2011

The clouds are darker than ever before. The signs are stronger than ever before.

Friday, February 25, 2011

There's a Possibility

When you want something real bad, like you can't do without it, you gradually begin to see signs which say - it belongs to you. And this happens even when you start off with complete despair, with the knowledge that it does not belong to you and you will NEVER get it. But you keep hanging around. You unknowingly lead yourself to believe that there's a glimmer of hope, however tiny however far it does not matter. There is hope.

This is a bad situation to be in. The gap between reality and your wishful thinking keeps growing. The worst part is, you know it. Yet you refuse to accept.

I don't know the way out.

I think I now know this song.

There's a possibility
There's a possibility
All that I had
was all I'm gonn'get